Never want to face a car lockout? Follow these steps first!

Most of us don’t give it a second thought until it’s too late. You’ve left your keys in the car, the door is locked, and you don’t have a spare? What options do you have? Of course, the ideal solution is to contact a locksmith. Is there, however, a way to avoid being locked out of your car? The easiest approach to cope with this is to avoid having to deal with it.

A lot of auto lockout avoidance involves adopting the greatest possible habits for yourself.

Developing appropriate key-keeping practises will help you avoid the unpleasant position of being on the outside looking in.

Here are some of the best practises you can use to avoid being locked out of your automobile at the worst possible time.

Lock the doors from the outside

Many people develop the habit of pressing the lock button on the inner door of their vehicle. When you close the door and realise your keys are still inside, but the door has already been locked, this can result in a lockout. To avoid this, make it a habit to lock your car when you’re outside, where you’ll need your keys.

Keep the spare keys handy but wisely

It’s not just about having a spare key; it’s also about knowing where to keep it. Don’t store it with your main key, and don’t put it where you can’t find it when you need it. Put it in your handbag or wallet, or somewhere else on your person where you can get to it quickly if you get locked out.

Make the keys hard to ignore

To make your keys more obvious and difficult to miss, attach a bell or a bright lanyard to them. Make your keys difficult to forget so you don’t leave them in your car or somewhere else. If you can quickly recognise them, you’ll be less likely to lose or forget them.

Auto club membership

You can also join your local automotive club for a nominal annual membership to take advantage of a variety of services. With an annual membership, several auto clubs provide a free unlock service. All it takes is a phone call to get a locksmith at your area. The service plan level decides how much the club covers, so when applying, pick the plan that works best for you.

Changing fob batteries

When unlocking your vehicle, the key fob may or may not operate. Check the key fob battery to make sure it isn’t dead in such circumstances. If that’s the case, simply replace the battery, which can be found at most auto parts stores.

Keep a locksmith number handy

Last but not least, keep a locksmith’s phone number in your contact book or put into your phone. That way, if you lock yourself out of your automobile, you’ll only have to call for assistance. While you will have to pay the locksmith out of pocket rather than having an auto club cover the majority or all of the cost, you will not have to worry about a yearly car club membership.

Patriot locksmiths are trusted locksmith service providers in Venice. We provide Car, Truck, House and Office Lockout service in Venice. Call us today for any locksmith issue.